Nanticoke Historical Society

Nanticoke Historical Society

Friday, July 27, 2012

NE PA Retro

I've added a new Facebook page.  Of course everyone is welcome here at the Nanticoke History Online Blog Spot.  But, because we are Nanticoke History you may not be entirely comfortable with your posts or input on events of history outside of Nanticoke.  That's all right, they are still welcome.  My new page offers a wider range of latitude.  A lot of times events not directly related to Nanticoke affect our lives here.  We want to know and share some of those special memories. We encourage you to share events or stories of Nanticoke on our Facebook page .  But, they will be welcome as well on NE PA Retro.

Of course our coal mining heritage is an important and integral part of who we are.  How Nanticoke developed and grew through some hard times, the depression, floods and  World War II showed the strength and endurance of the people here.  But, there is so much more.  Our businesses, community, schools, churches and special events not only in Nanticoke but our surrounding communities contribute to the aggregate of our lives and our past. Remember and share some of your most rewarding and happy times with us.  Let us say, Oh yes! I remember! What you post or contribute does not have to be 200 years old. To the Children of recent generations, President Kennedy's visit here or the Bicentennial Celebration is of their time.  As time progresses we will leave on to the next generation our heritage and past  that will grow and progress with the generations to follow.

NE PA Retro is not intended to chronicle so much the events of our past but rather to share some of those special experiences.  It may be a church picnic, a drive in theater that you once visited, school dances, special football or basket ball games or other memories that we share.   

But most of all, it is about having a little fun and finding something in common with someone who yesterday did not know but is now a new friend.  So, come visit, share and enjoy.  And, say Yes! I' remember.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

You are important in our community!

I've noticed, at meetings, that most people interested our Historical Society are prone to be the over 50 crowd. That, in itself is not a bad thing.  We are a bit older and can remember from some experience or stories from our parents, their friends or older relatives a lot of things we discuss as topic.  We are also less occupied with social events that lend themselves to younger people, such as young children who have scholastic activities, sports, academics and so forth . Being of senior years or closely approaching we may have interests in our grandchildren's activities or affairs, but may not be as consumed in it as much.  After all, they have parents, our children, to deal with it as we did in our time.

Many of us have a strong spiritual connection with our community, through our churches or other institutions of faith, inspiration or spirituality.  But, it is also important as we grow older that we maintain of our civic community connection.  It is what helps keep our minds and bodies healthy.  That is why we have joined and contributed to organizations like the Nanticoke Historical Society.

You are an integral and important member of our society that helps promote our community.
 (not just the Nanticoke Historical Society)

 It is also important to let your voice be heard by voting.  Your vote elects your proxy in our government, to represent your concerns and needs from and in our community. Your proxy, your representative, your Congressman takes your issues of concern to Washington, if you allow yourself to be heard. You must make your voice be heard if you would like him/her and other people to listen. Do not be afraid to address your concerns with your Congressman.  Whom ever she/he maybe, Republican, Democrat or Independent,  they are not as distant and unapproachable as you may think.  In fact, this person has a great deal of interest in listening to you. If you are not as smart phone or computer savvy as you would like to be then  pen, paper, stamp and envelope still work.  Talk to him/her on any issue that is of concern to you about our community. If you have an elderly neighbor or relative who needs help with Police, Fire, Street Dept., pitch in.

Let your voice be heard:
Lou Barletta for Congress
8 West Broad Street, Suite 410
PO Box 128
Hazleton, PA 18201

Office: 570-501-VOTE (8683)
Fax: 570-501-8688

Lou Barletta for Congress

An Issue of Mine - Resolved!
 As an example: The recent voter ID law may have created a problem for some senior citizens or even students of voting age that have not obtained valid identification, making the task of obtaining proper ID and voting more difficult.  Whether this problem was intentional or not is of no matter.  It is now the law to be respected and dealt with appropriately.  I have scourered the internet  for information on this subject, not to find a whole lot. Those of us who have not grown up in the information age may find the digging and surfing to be just to much work and  just give in to the fact that we will not vote this November. After all, its only one vote. Who listens to me anyway? Our good congressman, who may not necessarily represent all my views (that's my fault) has come through for me with flying colors. I have found answers through this resource as I expect you will as well.

You as a person are important.  Your voice is to be heard.  Maintain your purpose by staying involved. Stay active in our community.  Do what you can.  Never give up. You need not fill out an employment application form.  You will not have personnel file.  Any help or contribution you make will be appreciated.  Make Friends! Have fun! Join our Community.

The purpose of this blog  is to promote our community and Nanticoke Historical Society.
Your are always welcome at our home
Samantha Mill House • 495 East Main Street • Nanticoke, PA 18634•             570.258.1367      
Please call first. We work part time.

I refrain from political commentary on this blog.  But if you are interested in my personal views  you may visit me at Life in NEPA 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Patriots Day Parade 2012

A brand new project for the City of Nanticoke and the South Valley Chamber of Commerce got off precisely at 11:00 am.  The first ever Patriots Day Parade was an event by City and the Chamber of Commerce to honor and salute those who have given to us public service and added a another accolade to the list of positive achievements of our community. The parade which was  promptly dispatched from the high school grounds with police escort  at 11:00 am.  proceeded down Green Street to Patriot Square where vendors and Honey Pot Productions where already setup.  Honey Pot productions provided digital music for the event.

 The parade lined up at the Nanticoke High School parking lot at about 10:00 am Sunday morning.

Line up in order of arrival Rear to Front

  • Various Emergency Service vehicles
    Nanticoke, Newport township

  • Nanticoke Boys Softball Champs
  • Five Mountain Bear Clan
  • Endless Dreams Animal Rescue
  • UGI Gas division Car gas fueled Car
  • Nanticoke Historical Society
  • Birchwood Nursing Facility
  • South Valley Chamber of Commerce
  • National Guard
  • VFW Color Guard
  • Nanticoke EMS

The events of the day
 The Nanticoke Boys Champion Soft Ball Team.

Members from the South Valley Chamber of Commerce and the Nanticoke Historical Society where on hand as well to contribute and pitch in. Of course there was the Five Mountain Bear clan dressed in traditional Native American attire, representing the rich history of our region. The National Guard and VFW units where there as well as EMS and fire units from Nanticoke and Newport townships.
The Ladies From Birchwood Nursing Facility Middle Rd Nanticoke With Chris SVCC parade Chairman.

One of the most interesting participants was an organization from the Benton area- Endless Dreams Animal Retreat. An Educational organization dedicated to the rescue and care of animals.  Not just any animals but some very exotic animals.  On their float, among other animals  like a raccoon, cockatoo, goat and various snakes was a crocodile. The young girls from pre-teen to mid- teen years gently and affectionately handled snakes, showing the benign and gentle nature of these  creatures. The crocodile was obviously not one of the creatures be handled.  It was interesting to see this creature, caged but up close. You can find out more about Endless Dreams.
 Visit their Facebook page

 The people of Nanticoke enjoy and attend events like this regularly.  It seems that they just didn't know about the event. And, that is where I myself have room for improvement. Working with the Historical Society, I  want to contribute to the cultural awareness of our community.  It's not just our history, but  our story, who we are and where we are going. The events of today are important, as one day they will be history and we will have a means  to reflect, remember and look back at this time. For more photos of this event and to post your comments visit us on Facebook.
The South Valley Chamber of Commerce on Facebook